Thank you.
FACE couldn’t do all that we do without a little (okay a LOT) of help from our friends. Sincere thanks to all of our generous sponsors.
Allen Beverages
Allen Hyundai
Lisa & Rickey Authement
Bacot-McCarty Foundation
Bancorp South
The Citizens Bank
Community Bank
The Cornerstone Group
CURRENT creative marketing
D|A Associates
Eat Drink Love
Dr. & Mrs. David Grisby
Pat Joachim
Keesler Federal Credit Union
Lemon Mohler
Miner's Toy Store
Mitchell Distributing
M&M Bank
Connie Moran
MS Land Trust
Ocean's 7
Ocean Springs Art Association
OS Lumber
R&B Feder Foundation
The Roost
Marie & Brian Sanderson
Kim & Van Wurm