Community Partners
Our Mission IS in motion! FACE operates and produces programming at these venues all across the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Thank you to these local partners for allowing us to share space and creativity with you!
Downtown Yoga
Gulf Hills Hotel
House of the Jackson Pearl
The Lot
Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum
Nura Juice Bar
The Petaler Co.
Prep By KUG
Twelve Oaks

About Twelve Oaks
The Twelve Oaks Unit of the Old Fort Bayou Coastal Preserve is a little more than 30 acres conserved in perpetuity by the Coastal Preserve Program, dedicated to effectively preserve, conserve, restore, and manage Mississippi’s coastal ecosystems to perpetuate their natural characteristics, features, ecological integrity, social, economic and aesthetic values for future benefit. The beauty of this location coupled with the beauty of their invitation and hospitality toward our organization is a perfect fit for The Friends of Arts, Culture, and Education.